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hey all! for the past few years I've been doing family portraiture, family documentaries, and weddings. it's been good for me, but under the hood and behind the scenes, I've been wanting to specialize in what I do best. full-day family documentaries. commonly known as "day-in-the-life sessions".
why a day in the life? (that was a link, click on it.)
in order to help this transition along, I will be offering the deal of a lifetime. okay maybe not, that would be finding a ferrari at a goodwill store. this is close.
for the next 8 months, that is until May the 21st of 2016,
I, zalmy berkowitz, owner of this website, and master of all that lie therein, will be offering full day documentary sessions for the ridiculously low price of,
wait for it,
wait for it,
wait for it...
$1350. wait,
what? yup that's right homeboy (is that a thing? homeboy?). for 1350 smackeroos and/or greenbacks I will come with my posse of photon-capturing, light sensitive boxes of rubber and steel, and document the shiznit out of your family.
from dawn to dusk.from morning until evening.and that includes a sweet, hot-as-the-sun photo book, and digital proofs so you can show off your brand-spankin-new family photos on the instawebs or facegram or whatever.
the fine print
- the full resolution files (with printing rights, yo!) can (and should!) be pre-purchased upon booking for $600, after which the price goes up to $950
- books can be upgraded to a beautiful cloth bound hardcover 12x12 photo book for $300, or to a heirloom quality matted album for $1250
- this price is for cali-for-nians, for out-of-state or out-of-country sessions there will be a $250 estee-hates-when-I'm-away-overnight fee
- travel costs must be covered for any out-of-state or out-of-country sessions, but if there is enough interest in a given area (3 or more sessions) I will cover that cost myself. get your friends on board!
- I am local to the bay area, though find myself in southern california fairly often. just email to find out when those times are.
- after may the 21st of 2016 (I like saying it that way, sue me), the price will be going up to $1950. because that was a good decade.
- however if you book before may the 21st for a date after may the 21st (until september the 21st), you could still snag that for $1650 (because that's when the jews were allowed to return to france and england). (and if jill loves apples, but not as much as josh doesn't like roller-coasters, how many years until mr. burnsides gets tenure?)
- these are full day sessions we are talking about so my time is obviously limited. book early and book hard. you know the saying, the late bird gets to sleep in, or whatever.