Hear ye, hear ye (yeah, ye. Ink was expensive and ye had less letters than you. And "Hear you" sounds ridiculous).
Zalmy Berkowitz (also known as ZalmyB, Zalmy, Zombie, Sammy, Balmy, The Bearded One, and Superman) will be taking his arsenal of photo capturing devices on a special mission to the Eastern Seaboard. I'll be in the city (when speaking about New York there is only one "the city") From October 11th until a later to be determined date (around a week and a half). After which I'll be mozying down South, with some stops in North Carolina, maybe Georgia...
I have some bookings, but I'd love to fill up, get me some of that yummy East Coast Autumness, hang out with some über cool New Englanders (and semi cool, but ultra hip Southerners), and blast out some amazing family sessions.
If you are anywhere on the East Coast (yeah, that's Maine until Florida, and all you slight inlanders (Vermont, Virginia, Delaware...)) and are interested in a family session, there's a good chance we could make it happen (especially if you want to do a documentary session). Shoot me an email, give me a call (714-460-3967), leave a comment, send a fax, telegram, letter, package...
Documentary sessions are the best way to preserve real memories of your beautiful life. Here's a sample of the awesomeness that can be yours.
Openings are obviously limited. Priority will be given to those who offer good beer. That's a joke. Kind of.
Check out the pricing page for pricing, or to find out the prices.
And just because I've never posted this yet (and what's a post on a photography site without a photo). Here is one of my favorite family photos yet.