The Thalors are quite possibly the cutest family in the world. Though it's a pretty close race with mine. Long story short (yay for grammar!) the ticket to Memphis was cheaper if I flew back through Atlanta, and my cousins, whom I haven't seen in quite some time happen to live right around there. And being that her mom makes some of the best cakes this side of the equator I figured maybe it was hereditary (it is!!).
We had some time before I jet packed out of there and utilized every moment eating (I had my first Shwarma since leaving Israel at this dinky little restaurant with awesome food. (They also had another cousin of mine there, this one from Montreal. She was also eating Shwarma. Its a family thing.) If you do not know what a Shwarma is you have yet to live), and managed to spare a few to run off into the forest for some family photos.
And here they are. Enjoy: