
In Which the Sauerkraut Prince Marries the Pickle Princess

Somewhere around 2009, back when kale wasn’t that hot yet and everyone was still eating quinoa; back when hope and change was all the rage. Back when we had 3 kids and couldn’t figure out how anyone survived with more.

Sometime around then I got a camera, and our good buddy Uri (who grew up with my wife in Orange County) got Estee to buy a book called Nourishing Traditions (get it. Now).

The former led to the never ending quest of finding the perfect camera system, not to mention photography becoming a main source of income for us, while the latter led to our never ending quest for healthy eating and living. We (we being Estee, I just nod and agree) now make sourdough bread (the real kind, with freshly ground whole wheat (yes we grind it ourselves), and airborne yeast), sauerkraut, kombucha, and a slew of oddly named, awesome tasting (and ridiculously healthy) foods.

Beyond the healthy food, it has opened up our eyes to an entirely different way of living (though we were on the way to being completely weird even before this), and some really wonderful and special people. It’s hard to compartmentalize one’s life, saying that without A then B may not have happened, but being open to challenging the status quo has helped me immensely in photography as well. Not taking things as they are as proof that that’s how they should be.

Uri has been on a fermenting frenzy for some time and now and currently makes and sells the best sauerkraut you have ever tasted. Seriously. No really, it is. Check it out at

I don't know Naomi very well, but she didn't have her bouquet for her portraits due some timing mishap, but without missing a beat she grabbed some leaves and just went with it. Definitely a catch.


Well, a few months back Uri found his soul-mate, and I had the privilege of photographing their wedding in beautiful Malibu.

Being a friend and all, he totally allowed me free reign to shoot as I wish, to try out new things and new gear. So I brought a few rangefinders and shot the whole things on 35mm film. I shot lot more freely than usual, and really enjoyed the change of pace. I had a chance to hang out with great people (my wife included), eat some great food, and get my legs some much needed dancing. Now all we need is Moshiach and we’re good!

Peace love and something fermented.

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Berkowitzs. Film. 2013-14. Holy Moly.


STOP. Get up. Stretch. Get a Coffee (or a beer, depending on when you happen upon this post). Come back. This is a loooooong one. It’s worth it though.


Due to a series of events, neither fortunate nor un, the year two thousand and thirteen went by without a blip on the blog-radar. According to rule S4L616 every photo-related site MUST have a year-end review, unless certain waivers were submitted, or with a signed note from ones parents.

Such events are beyond the scope of this post, so you must feel satisfied knowing that such reasons exist.

So here are my favorite photos of my family, from 2013 and 2014, in no particular order. Enjoy!


It’s scary. Seeing all these images, knowing that all this (and more) must have happened at some point in the last two years. I mean thank G-d it’s wonderful, and I’m happy. With my family, my life, but I just wish things would slow down a bit. All this life doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There is always work that I’m in middle of, haven’t started yet, or am just finished. There are dishes to wash, repairs to be done, food to be made, grains to soak, filters to clean. As hard as it is to cram all of the to-do list in one day, on top of that there are a gaggle of kids living life. Crying, laughing, getting muddy, building ladders and forts and swords. Learning stuff, destroying stuff. Growing, maturing, faltering. And so badly do I want to remember all that. Sometimes I do. Most of the time I don’t. All the memories join their brethren, blurring together in some hairy homogenous mass of fuzziness.

Unless I document them.

Then I, like Professor Dumbledore and his Pensieve , can reach down and pluck out a memory, as clear as if it were just deposited.

And that’s why I run around with my cameras, frantically making images. I’m scared of the memories slowly fading away, melting in the grayness of my mind.

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Because I think it’s funny, weird, odd, and a bit scary how many cameras I go through, I’ll list all of the gearI’ve used for these photos:

Nikon F3, F4, F100. 20mm, 28mm f/2, 28mm f/2.8, Sigma 50mm f/1.4, Zeiss 50mm f/1.4

Leica M2, M3, Zeiss Ikon, Hexar RF. Voigtlander 28mm f/2, 35mm f/1.2, Leica 50mm f/2

Hasselblad Xpan, 45mm

Mamiya C330, 80mm

Rolleiflex 6003, 6008, Zeiss 50mm f/4, Zeiss 80mm f/2.8

Pentax 67, 105mm f/2.4

Hasselblad 500 c/m, 201f, 50mm 2.8, 60mm f/3.5, 110mm f/2

Mamiya 6, 50mm, 75mm, 150mm

Mamiya RZ67, 65mm L/A, 110mm f/2.8

Rolleiflex SL66, 50mm, 80mm, Schneider 12.5cm f/2

Speed Graphic

Polaroid Land Cameras

Ricoh Gr1V, Olympus Stylus Epic, other random point and shoots.

Films used. Oh man. Kodak TriX, PlusX, gold 200, 400, portra 160, 400, 800, 160NC, 400NC, 160VC, 400VC, 400UC. Fuji 160s 400h, 800z, fp100c, fp3000b. Ilford HP5, Delta 400, Delta 3200

And that’s that.

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing

There are things we want. And then there are things we must do to get those things. If we are careful, we always remember why we do the things we do, and the things we do never take away from the things we want. Which is to say this paragraph is me getting back at my 6th grade teacher who wouldn't allow us to use the word "thing". "Thing is not a scientific word" she'd say. Ha! Thing thing thing. THING!! Okay, that's out of my system.

Guy meets girl. Guy likes girl. Girl likes guy. They think this could be something special. Something important. He asks, she says yes. Woohoo.

Now marriage is a big deal, it's special. It's important. It deserves a celebration. A wedding!

Music, venue, flowers, tables, chairs, food, centerpieces, invitations, photos, bentchers, video, dress, veil, suit, shoes, invitation lists, expectations. Gowns, make-up, color schemes, decor, lighting, start time, end time. Dinner time, chuppah time, entrance time.

Sometimes it happens that the marriage gets lost in the wedding. Not this wedding.

What struck me so much about this wedding was that from the first time they spoke to me, the marriage was always more important than the wedding. The groom was busy praying, learning, and doing things that one might do on the most important day of his life. The bride had her stack of books she was learning and psalms she was saying. She even had someone walking around with a charity box every couple of minutes so she could do as many good deeds as possible on this special day.

There was no getting lost in the details of the wedding. They are getting married!! Who cares if something isn't exactly as planned!

I'm inspired. And honored.

From the first phone call Shloime told me that he wanted his wedding to be about the marriage. He wanted someone to honestly document the holiness and feeling of the day. No fancy camera trickery, no fake moments. Just an honest and thoughtful documentation. He had seen my work, liked what and how I wrote and thought that I would "get it". I seriously wanted to hop on a plane and give him a hug. I didn't, mostly because my wife would have killed me.

I was really excited to photograph this wedding and I'm really excited to share the images.

Enjoy, and keep it real!

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At the corner of Brave and Crazy

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“Wiley, you could do it! You just weally need to believe in yooself!!”

Owen watches Sportacus, exercises daily, loves chia seed (because they have a lot of protein), and doesn’t eat sugar. He’s 5. He’s brave, and crazy (kind of how we feel now). And we’ll miss his family.


Berkeley is amazing and I’d love to write about it, but things are are happening so quickly that I need to sort out my thoughts. Until then here is a wonderful family just living.

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Documenting Grace

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I should write something pretty here. Pretty people, pretty place, pretty words would fit. But I ain't in no pretty mood (this humidity is doing a number on m beard) so random it's gonna be.

In 2001 or so my mother (after making sure the whole Y2K thing was over) decided to move to Israel (one of her lifelong dreams). I was in Yeshiva there at the time and, suddenly, for no apparent reason, I became Mr. Popular (I wasn't a Rabbi yet).

At the time we lived in the Yeshiva which was in Bnei Brak. Bnei Brak is the perfect place for learning. There's really nothing else to do. Besides buying Cholent on thursday nights, and this really good Baguette place. And a decent falafel joint. (Yes my life surrounded around food. At times in Yeshiva all we ate was Chummus and bread. Three times a day.) And while bus #400 left every hour to Jerusalem from across the street (though we used to choose a further one so the administration would't catch us), we still had to either come back that night or find somewhere to stay. Enter my mothers apartment on 37 Azza Street, Rehavia, Jerusalem. Perfect location smack in middle of the city, wonderful neighborhood, walking distance to the Old City (and of course Ben Yehuda, which in retrospect wasn't that cool after all), and everywhere else (anything under 10 miles is walking distance in Israel).

Speaking of walking across town. Combine this with my healthy aversion to spending any sort of money (especially since, well, I didn't really have any) and you get some crazy walking stories. I've walked 8 miles at 2 AM after a concert (I had no clue where I was going) to save a taxi fare, and another time walked 6 miles to the Dr. for a jaw issue and 5 miles in on the return I tweaked my back and had to crawl the last mile (almost literally). I knew shortcuts across every neighborhood, oh man I miss that place.

Next door (39 Azza Street), lived this dude by the name of Benjamin Netanyahu. Yeah, that one. He lived in this unpretentious house with some uzi-toting muscled sunglasses in front, on the side, on top, down the block...

Summer vacation in Israel is 3 weeks long. So instead of counseloring, or camping, or skiing in New Zealand (though I really wanted to make that work), a few friends and I camped out at my mama's place. Until we got kicked out for not sweeping or something and slept on towels in the mountains for a week. But before that we had a grand ole time. One balmy evening we spent an hour or two making paper airplanes and chucked em over the porch in Netanyahu's direction, hoping they'd shoot some down. They didn't. I'm still ticked about that.

You may think I'm rambling and you'd be right.

When (okay, if) I grow up, there is no way I'm going to be regurgitating old stories (again and again) that happened way back when when life was interesting. I don't buy that whole "the best years of my life" happened between the years of 18 and 24.

Which is part of why we're moving. Life has seemed a bit, well, stagnant. Like we're just floating along the streams. Yeah we're working hard, raising a cackle of kids, yada yada. But man, I feel like we're just waking up. Like we just read the other day "until this day, God did not give you a heart to know, eyes to see, and ears to hear..." It's time to see, hear, and know.


I photographed Amy Grace and her beautiful children last year when she lived down in SoCal and I was able to do so again now that they moved to the bay area (it's what all the cool people are doing). She has a fantastic way of seeing her world and family and is blessed with the ability to share that view, both with words and with photographs. You could see her work at A Beautiful Life and Motherhood With A Camera.

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