
In Which the Sauerkraut Prince Marries the Pickle Princess

Somewhere around 2009, back when kale wasn’t that hot yet and everyone was still eating quinoa; back when hope and change was all the rage. Back when we had 3 kids and couldn’t figure out how anyone survived with more.

Sometime around then I got a camera, and our good buddy Uri (who grew up with my wife in Orange County) got Estee to buy a book called Nourishing Traditions (get it. Now).

The former led to the never ending quest of finding the perfect camera system, not to mention photography becoming a main source of income for us, while the latter led to our never ending quest for healthy eating and living. We (we being Estee, I just nod and agree) now make sourdough bread (the real kind, with freshly ground whole wheat (yes we grind it ourselves), and airborne yeast), sauerkraut, kombucha, and a slew of oddly named, awesome tasting (and ridiculously healthy) foods.

Beyond the healthy food, it has opened up our eyes to an entirely different way of living (though we were on the way to being completely weird even before this), and some really wonderful and special people. It’s hard to compartmentalize one’s life, saying that without A then B may not have happened, but being open to challenging the status quo has helped me immensely in photography as well. Not taking things as they are as proof that that’s how they should be.

Uri has been on a fermenting frenzy for some time and now and currently makes and sells the best sauerkraut you have ever tasted. Seriously. No really, it is. Check it out at

I don't know Naomi very well, but she didn't have her bouquet for her portraits due some timing mishap, but without missing a beat she grabbed some leaves and just went with it. Definitely a catch.


Well, a few months back Uri found his soul-mate, and I had the privilege of photographing their wedding in beautiful Malibu.

Being a friend and all, he totally allowed me free reign to shoot as I wish, to try out new things and new gear. So I brought a few rangefinders and shot the whole things on 35mm film. I shot lot more freely than usual, and really enjoyed the change of pace. I had a chance to hang out with great people (my wife included), eat some great food, and get my legs some much needed dancing. Now all we need is Moshiach and we’re good!

Peace love and something fermented.

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Aden & Levi get married! Woohoo!!

Documentary Wedding Photography-240.jpg As I passed the Health Water aisle, shaking my head as usual at the ridiculousness of it all, I thought to myself that I really need to write a blog post about it.

And that's the best I could do.

In life in general and in Judaism in particular we are constantly being pulled in opposite directions. You know how everyone going faster than you on the highway is crazy and anyone going slower is <insert ethnicity/age/gender to which one proscribes bad driving habits>?

Or how anyone more religious is a fanatic, and anyone who is less is an idol-worshiping pagan.

We are tasked with somehow toeing many lines.

We are asked to be involved in the world, yet remain above it.

We are asked to do everything we could in accordance with the Torah, yet to go at our own pace.

We are asked to accept the absolute divinity of the laws, but then go study them according to all the rules of logic.

We are asked to be absolutely subservient to G-d, yet we are supposed to strike out on our own, finding who we are, and making it personal.

It's hard as heck.

We each find our own line, how far in each direction we lean, which side we express. Sometimes by choice, mostly by default. It's hard to think.

Chassidus tells us that in navigating this crazy world the two most important character traits are humility and honesty.

Humility in accepting that we are not the final arbitrator of truth, of morals, and to be open to the possibility that the divine will may not need to fit into our current gestalt.

Honesty in being able to look at ourselves objectively (as much as possible). Seeing where we are, who we are, what are strengths and weaknesses are. Being able to accept that where we have to be and what we have to be doing may not be what we think we want.

Health water is neither humble nor honest.

But Levi is.

I wrote some time back about the horrid state of Jewish music. Levi Robin is the opposite of all that's wrong with Jewish music.

As a friend Levi is the most honest and humble person I know. I'm sure he isn't perfect (Aden may disagree), but he is aware of who he is and what he has to do, and as simple as that sounds, it’s not common. At all. And seriously, his music is amazing. Check it out.

Aden I don’t know as well, but if Levi loved her than she must be very special indeed. And I wish them the best in their marriage and in fixing this darn world already!


I am blessed to have some wonderful friends in the photography community. One of them, the beautiful and talented Lexia Frank, flew all the way down from Portland to photograph this wedding with me. And she rocked it.

And make sure to mosey over to Levi Robin's music page. You'll be happy you did.

Thanks for looking! Peace, love, and goji berries.

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Someone and Someone get Married at a Place

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I don't get to photograph non-Jewish weddings very often. Most of them are on Saturday and, well, as big Gedaliah Goomberg says: Ain't gonna work on Saturday, Ain't gonna work on Saturday, whyyyyyyyyy, cuz it's Shabbos Kodesh.

So when Sarah called (may have been a text or an email. Maybe "a Facebook".) and asked if I wanted to shoot with her for a Sunday wedding I literally jumped. I didn't really jump, that's why I used "literally".

I got to stand back, chill, record some memories on strips of silver coated cellulite strips. All in all a good Sunday.

In honor of me not knowing the couple at all and being that today is Tuesday, I figured a dose of Tolstoy was in order.

There's one chapter from Anna Karenina in which Vronsky gets all excited about art and painting (I don't see what Anna sees in the dude), and Leo has some wonderful words of wisdom on art, artists, and posers. Here is my wonderful copy and paste work, courtesy of Güttenburg:

“Vronsky and Anna too said something in that subdued voice in which, partly to avoid hurting the artist's feelings and partly to avoid saying out loud something silly—so easily said when talking of art—people usually speak at exhibitions of pictures.”


“Yes, there's a wonderful mastery!" said Vronsky. "How those figures in the background stand out! There you have technique," he said, addressing Golenishtchev, alluding to a conversation between them about Vronsky's despair of attaining this technique.”

“In spite of the excited condition in which he was, the sentence about technique had sent a pang to Mihailov's heart, and looking angrily at Vronsky he suddenly scowled. He had often heard this word technique, and was utterly unable to understand what was understood by it. He knew that by this term was understood a mechanical facility for painting or drawing, entirely apart from its subject. He had noticed often that even in actual praise technique was opposed to essential quality, as though one could paint well something that was bad. He knew that a great deal of attention and care was necessary in taking off the coverings, to avoid injuring the creation itself, and to take off all the coverings; but there was no art of painting—no technique of any sort—about it. If to a little child or to his cook were revealed what he saw, it or she would have been able to peel the wrappings off what was seen. And the most experienced and adroit painter could not by mere mechanical facility paint anything if the lines of the subject were not revealed to him first. Besides, he saw that if it came[…]”


“But Vronsky asked whether the picture was for sale. To Mihailov at that moment, excited by visitors, it was extremely distasteful to speak of money matters.”


“Vronsky, Anna, and Golenishtchev, on their way home, were particularly lively and cheerful. They talked of Mihailov and his pictures. The word talent, by which they meant an inborn, almost physical, aptitude apart from brain and heart, and in which they tried to find an expression for all the artist had gained from life, recurred particularly often in their talk, as though it were necessary for them to sum up what they had no conception of, though they wanted to talk of it.”


“From the fifth sitting the portrait impressed everyone, especially Vronsky, not only by its resemblance, but by its characteristic beauty. It was strange how Mihailov could have discovered just her characteristic beauty. "One needs to know and love her as I have loved her to discover the very sweetest expression of her soul," Vronsky thought, though it was only from this portrait that he had himself learned this sweetest expression of her soul. But the expression was so true that he, and others too, fancied they had long known it.

"I have been struggling on for ever so long without doing anything," he said of his own portrait of her, "and he just looked and painted it. That's where technique comes in.”


“Vronsky defended Mihailov, but at the bottom of his heart he believed it, because in his view a man of a different, lower world would be sure to be envious.

Anna's portrait—the same subject painted from nature both by him and by Mihailov—ought to have shown Vronsky the difference between him and Mihailov; but he did not see it. Only after Mihailov's portrait was painted he left off painting his portrait of Anna, deciding that it was now not needed. His picture of mediaeval life he went on with. And he himself, and Golenishtchev, and still more Anna, thought it very good, because it was far more like the celebrated pictures they knew than Mihailov's picture.”


“He knew that Vronsky could not be prevented from amusing himself with painting; he knew that he and all dilettanti had a perfect right to paint what they liked, but it was distasteful to him. A man could not be prevented from making himself a big wax doll, and kissing it. But if the man were to come with the doll and sit before a man in love, and begin caressing his doll as the lover caressed the woman he loved, it would be distasteful to the lover. Just such a distasteful sensation was what Mihailov felt at the sight of Vronsky's painting: he felt it both ludicrous and irritating, both pitiable and offensive.”

“Vronsky's interest in painting and the Middle Ages did not last long. He had enough taste for painting to be unable to finish his picture. The picture came to a standstill. He was vaguely aware that its defects, inconspicuous at first, would be glaring if he were to go on with it. The same experience befell him as Golenishtchev, who felt that he had nothing to say, and continually deceived himself with the theory that his idea was not yet mature, that he was working it out and collecting materials.”


I was going to add some commentary of my own but "I feel that I have nothing to say, and continually deceive myself with the theory that my ideas are not yet mature...".

Happy Tuesday! Peace, coconut muffins, and tapioca pudding. Oh, and check out Sarah’s work, she has a wonderful free-flowing style to her imagery.

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Chana & Yehuda Get Hitched!

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So it is. It's been a few weeks since I've officially quit social media (I say officially because I do have an occasional relapse), maybe a month and a bit, I'm not sure, haven't been keeping track. I'd like to say my life is utterly different, but that would be a lie. It is however, getting better, and, honestly, is there anything more one could hope for? Happiness, saddnes, joy, boredom, it isn't a state one is in, but a direction one takes. Better though doesn't necessarily mean better from bad, thank G-d my life is good, but good can always be better.

For those not yet in the know, I've replaced my Facebook family photo postings (which I miss) with a tumblr blog. If for some odd reason, you miss seeing photos of my little ones, feel free (feel free? I'm not even sure what that is supposed to mean) to visit, follow it, bookmark it, type it in each morning, whatever.


A few months back I had the privilege of attending the wonderful wedding of Chana and Yuda in the capacity of a shoot-whatever/however-you-want photographer. I wasn't the main, and I wasn't even a second. It was wonderful. As professionals we must deliver a proven product, yet being in the visual arts field we also must constantly improve our vision, technique, process, etc. But experimenting on the client's dime is risky, and well, not very nice. Unless that's what they want. Which in this case they did. Yipee (spell check would rather two "p"s, which makes sense but looks weird)! I got to try out new lenses, new ways of exposing, developing, and shooting. Some worked better than others. All were fun. Always.

And here is the result. Enjoy!

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Chana is a talented photographer herself, check out her work here.

Two Thousand and 13. And my adieau to social media.


I wonder if there are those who play the keyboard (the computer kind) the way others play music. Their fingers typing, not just their thoughts, but their emotions. Writing with soul. No, not with soul, that seems as if one employs his soul as a tool. More like the soul itself is writing, the hands and fingers moving to an inner song.

I've been listening to "If It Be Your Will" by Leonard Cohen on repeat. It's the lone occupant of my iTunes library and is enjoying endless loopage.

This is doing three things to me. A. It makes me want to just type out the lyrics, as there is nothing I can write that comes close to the raw beauty of his words. B. It makes me want to play music with my fingers, type with rythm, and C. Puts me in a slightly morbid mood. Though I do find his music oddly uplifting.

I'm writing to say goodbye (well I'm actually writing because my posts need words). And Hello.

When embarking on my blogging voyage and subsequent entrance into social media I was greeted with:

Hello World!

Such are the words knighting those embarking on the holy mission of bloghood.

Hello World.

A new world, built on the rubble of the first, greets you joyfully.

"Hi!" with a showing of bright #fffff teeth, it joyfully proclaims.

Hello World.

Little did I know that this voyage would lead me to where I am now.

I feel as if I am that figure in "The Scream", my face being pulled by an invisible force. That force is social media. And it's eating my face off. Beard and all.

Social media has been slowly draining my life, this giant blue and white vacuum sucking my energy, slurping my time. It's time to say goodbye.

I refuse to play the game. I will not post meaningless questions to which I do not care the answer in order to get people commenting.

"Which photo do you like better?" As smug as it sounds I do not care which photo you like better. I put an enormous amount of thought into photography, and gosh-darn it I have an opinion. A strong one.

"If I get 100 likes I'll post more!!" No. No. I will not play the game.

Addicted to the high engendered by strangers' praise. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.

The endless stream of time wasting links and videos. Look here! No, Look here! Wow! Dogcathorsebaby doing funnyweirdamazingthing.

And the more insidious sharing, commenting, and making friends all with an undercurrent of selfishness. It scares me.

Of course, social media isn't intrinsically evil. I'm just not at a place where it's good for me now (notwithstanding the many, many benefits it brings).

So I'm saying goodbye. Goodbye meaningless internet browsing. Goodbye mind-numbing visits to the computer. Goodbye to the 86% bad and the 14% good. Goodbye snarky commenting and late night chats. Goodbye noise.

Goodbye World. It's been real (#irony).

It's a bit scary. I have gotten wonderful feedback, a fan base, and clients through Facebook. Much of that will be gone, and I don't even know where to start looking for other ways to advertise. But I know this: Never again will I make decisions based solely on money. I believe in divine providence, in fate, karma, whatever you want to call it. If I do what is right for me and my family, then it will be good.

Hello World.

Hello wife. Hello Kids. Hello G-d. I'm back.

First we take Manhattan. Then we take berlin.


What does this all have to do with my 2013 in review? No seriously, I'm asking.

I could make up something but it would be just that.

It's just what's on my mind and while I was waiting to post this with my personal year in review, I still have something around 40 rolls to develop and scan and Facebook needs quitting before then.

For all those wonderful people I met on Facebook, please email, call, send roses (code for beer), or just come over for some pancakes. That's what we do in the real world (I think, it's been a while…).

The past year has been great to me. I 've had wonderful clients, and seem to be getting better at this while photography thing. Most importantly I've thought. About stuff. More than I think I've ever thunk before. And that's a very good thing.

So I raise my glass (Redtail Ale) and wish myself an amazing year in the real world.

Bring it on!!


Practical speak. I'll be keeping my Facebook account active and all messages will be forwarded to my email. All updates will be posted on my photography page (which will be run by my lovely wife). I don't want to cut out all the wonderful people and friends I met on Facebook so please, if you want to chat, have a question, comment etc. just shoot me an email.

Peace, love, and quinoa brownies.

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Rooftop Wedding on a Roof

I was introduced to Judith by my cousin from Montreal who was visiting from Atlanta. A little while later, Judith, who lives a few blocks away from me, met Yonatan, who was from Israel but lives in Los Angeles, in Atlanta, and decided to marry. A few weeks later they did. On a rooftop in downtown Los Angeles. This is their wedding. Beautiful, simple, happy Jewish folk. Like a steak and a beer. Or a veggie burger and kombucha for those thus inclined. Setting up the Chuppah Happy Bride and Friends Documentary Wedding Photography-5.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-6.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-7.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-8.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-9.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-3.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-14.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-15.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-13.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-12.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-19.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-18.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-21.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-10.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-11.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-20.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-16.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-22.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-23.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-24.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-25.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-26.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-27.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-28.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-29.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-30.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-31.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-32.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-34.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-35.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-36.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-37.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-41.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-40.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-42.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-49.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-46.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-48.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-52.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-55.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-44.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-45.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-62.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-53.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-56.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-58.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-57.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-60.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-47.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-63.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-64.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-65.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-66.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-67.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-68.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-79.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-80.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-81.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-82.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-71.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-77.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-69.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-70.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-72.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-74.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-88.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-89.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-83.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-87.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-84.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-85.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-1-6.jpg Documentary Wedding Photography-90.jpg872527sm.jpg 872529sm.jpg 872528sm.jpg