in which Yossi and Chana Saraleh hang out under the chuppah

When all is said and done here is what you have to remember. Yossi (the groom) flew in from Australia. AUSTRALIA. Where it is now summer. And he flew to New York. NEW YORK. Just to marry Chana Sara’leh. Now that is true love.

I had the privilege of photographing her brother’s wedding (you could check that out here if you feel so inclined), and it’s truly an honor to work with this wonderful family again. Clients that “get it” and understand why I shoot the way I do, and AGREE! That is a blessing :)

So sit back, grab some kombucha and kimchi, and enjoy this beautiful day (not like, today, I don’t know where you live (actually I do, but I don’t want to scare you) or on which day you are viewing this (see above), but like this wedding day).


I wrote that all last week, before this whole thing with Paris went down, and now it feels a bit trite. 

Weddings are real, deep, and meaningful. I mean they happen all the time, and as part of the wedding-industrial-machine, I can fall into the cynical camp.

We tend to view things on the global scale as “big”, and “world-changing”, and we often direct our attention as such. But truthfully the world changes slowly as people work on themselves, their family, and their community.

One of the odder happenings by Jewish weddings is the custom of breaking the glass. At the end of the Chuppah the groom with a quick (sometimes practiced :) ) leg movement, smashes a glass (hopefully wrapped), after which everyone says “Mazel Tov!”, the band often starts playing and the solemness of the ceremony is quickly overrun by the joy of the family and friends. 

The custom is there to remind us that no joy is ever complete while our Holy Temple is still unbuilt and we are still in exile.

So why is that the cue for everyone to go all ballistic with joy?

Well here’s the deal. The Talmud tells us that G-d allowed for the the destruction of the Temple due to “baseless hatred”. The petty rumor mills, the class distinctions, the arguing, the bickering. Which all might start out as small and innocent, but it’s like an avalanche, gaining speed and intensity as it rolls past the generations.  

Marriage is the opposite of that. It’s one person promising the other that even though life isn’t perfect, that there will be little things that annoy us, bickerings that can degenerate into arguments, doghouses and worse. But we won’t let that happen. It’s a promise to focus on the good in each other, and, even when it doesn’t make sense, to love each other. In a word baseless love. 

And that’s the beginning of the redemption.

Mazel Tov! Cue the band…


Makeup by Sary Farkash
Hair by Salon Leah
Florals by Mimulo 

Special thanks to the awesome Aga Matuszewska from Storytellers and Co. for shooting this with me. 

Childhood Unplugged. September Edition.

So somehow it has come to pass, in the year two thousand and fifteen, towards the end of the ninth month, that I, Zalmy Berkowitz, have been drafted into the worldwide denomination of "unpluggers". What are these unpluggers you ask? Wonderful question. 

Unbeknownst to all ye proles (of which I was one of just one short month ago), or maybe beknownst, there is a nefarious group of mom and dads (mostly moms, which is why I need to grow my beard extra long), who, through the use of their photon-capturing devices, plan separate, using force if necessary, a child from the screen.

(Pause. Stop. If you are interested in some rocking family photos and you haven't seen my new documentary session offering, please do so now. no seriously. now. Click. Here. And Here.)

Yes, it is horrible, the thought of a child separate from his computer, device, tv, or wii. The sheer terror!

Be it as it may (whatever that means), I'm totally on board. I mean we do it too often, when things get tough, we dump the kids in front of some sort of mesmerizing hypnotic machine. But we really do try to minimize that dumpage. Until hopefully we eradicate it completely. Kids separate from screens come alive. Their imaginations run free with their own fantasies instead of this co-script from some sort of show. They slow down, have more patience, and learn about the actual world. Like you know the real one. With air and stuff. 

Part of my draftification is posting a monthly post of my childhood unplugged images. So here you go!

For more on this awesome project see the instagram account and their website,

Starting with a few (okay maybe more than a few) from our trip from Idyllwild (the highlight of which was finding a treasure trove of beer bottles for recycling)...

And then some in and around, you know. Then a few from a trip to my sister's house for a new Torah celebration (that deserves a blog post of its own), followed by some Kosher Ice Cream in LA, some readage, and finally some minecraft studyage with uncle. Wait, what minecraft?! yeah. shut up, I ain't perfect. Yet. 

Oh, and one from the beach. What's interesting (for me) is that this photo reminds me not so much of this instance, but of the fact that this wa re-enacted a few minutes later but with a whole bunch of birds flying around. I was going to get my phone again (this wa taken with an iphone) but I had already decided that I wasn't going to take any more photos. So I didn't. And I was very proud of myself for that. You know, trying the whole Adulthood Unplugged thing myself :)

In Which the Sauerkraut Prince Marries the Pickle Princess

Somewhere around 2009, back when kale wasn’t that hot yet and everyone was still eating quinoa; back when hope and change was all the rage. Back when we had 3 kids and couldn’t figure out how anyone survived with more.

Sometime around then I got a camera, and our good buddy Uri (who grew up with my wife in Orange County) got Estee to buy a book called Nourishing Traditions (get it. Now).

The former led to the never ending quest of finding the perfect camera system, not to mention photography becoming a main source of income for us, while the latter led to our never ending quest for healthy eating and living. We (we being Estee, I just nod and agree) now make sourdough bread (the real kind, with freshly ground whole wheat (yes we grind it ourselves), and airborne yeast), sauerkraut, kombucha, and a slew of oddly named, awesome tasting (and ridiculously healthy) foods.

Beyond the healthy food, it has opened up our eyes to an entirely different way of living (though we were on the way to being completely weird even before this), and some really wonderful and special people. It’s hard to compartmentalize one’s life, saying that without A then B may not have happened, but being open to challenging the status quo has helped me immensely in photography as well. Not taking things as they are as proof that that’s how they should be.

Uri has been on a fermenting frenzy for some time and now and currently makes and sells the best sauerkraut you have ever tasted. Seriously. No really, it is. Check it out at

I don't know Naomi very well, but she didn't have her bouquet for her portraits due some timing mishap, but without missing a beat she grabbed some leaves and just went with it. Definitely a catch.


Well, a few months back Uri found his soul-mate, and I had the privilege of photographing their wedding in beautiful Malibu.

Being a friend and all, he totally allowed me free reign to shoot as I wish, to try out new things and new gear. So I brought a few rangefinders and shot the whole things on 35mm film. I shot lot more freely than usual, and really enjoyed the change of pace. I had a chance to hang out with great people (my wife included), eat some great food, and get my legs some much needed dancing. Now all we need is Moshiach and we’re good!

Peace love and something fermented.

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Berkowitzs. Film. 2013-14. Holy Moly.


STOP. Get up. Stretch. Get a Coffee (or a beer, depending on when you happen upon this post). Come back. This is a loooooong one. It’s worth it though.


Due to a series of events, neither fortunate nor un, the year two thousand and thirteen went by without a blip on the blog-radar. According to rule S4L616 every photo-related site MUST have a year-end review, unless certain waivers were submitted, or with a signed note from ones parents.

Such events are beyond the scope of this post, so you must feel satisfied knowing that such reasons exist.

So here are my favorite photos of my family, from 2013 and 2014, in no particular order. Enjoy!


It’s scary. Seeing all these images, knowing that all this (and more) must have happened at some point in the last two years. I mean thank G-d it’s wonderful, and I’m happy. With my family, my life, but I just wish things would slow down a bit. All this life doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There is always work that I’m in middle of, haven’t started yet, or am just finished. There are dishes to wash, repairs to be done, food to be made, grains to soak, filters to clean. As hard as it is to cram all of the to-do list in one day, on top of that there are a gaggle of kids living life. Crying, laughing, getting muddy, building ladders and forts and swords. Learning stuff, destroying stuff. Growing, maturing, faltering. And so badly do I want to remember all that. Sometimes I do. Most of the time I don’t. All the memories join their brethren, blurring together in some hairy homogenous mass of fuzziness.

Unless I document them.

Then I, like Professor Dumbledore and his Pensieve , can reach down and pluck out a memory, as clear as if it were just deposited.

And that’s why I run around with my cameras, frantically making images. I’m scared of the memories slowly fading away, melting in the grayness of my mind.

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Because I think it’s funny, weird, odd, and a bit scary how many cameras I go through, I’ll list all of the gearI’ve used for these photos:

Nikon F3, F4, F100. 20mm, 28mm f/2, 28mm f/2.8, Sigma 50mm f/1.4, Zeiss 50mm f/1.4

Leica M2, M3, Zeiss Ikon, Hexar RF. Voigtlander 28mm f/2, 35mm f/1.2, Leica 50mm f/2

Hasselblad Xpan, 45mm

Mamiya C330, 80mm

Rolleiflex 6003, 6008, Zeiss 50mm f/4, Zeiss 80mm f/2.8

Pentax 67, 105mm f/2.4

Hasselblad 500 c/m, 201f, 50mm 2.8, 60mm f/3.5, 110mm f/2

Mamiya 6, 50mm, 75mm, 150mm

Mamiya RZ67, 65mm L/A, 110mm f/2.8

Rolleiflex SL66, 50mm, 80mm, Schneider 12.5cm f/2

Speed Graphic

Polaroid Land Cameras

Ricoh Gr1V, Olympus Stylus Epic, other random point and shoots.

Films used. Oh man. Kodak TriX, PlusX, gold 200, 400, portra 160, 400, 800, 160NC, 400NC, 160VC, 400VC, 400UC. Fuji 160s 400h, 800z, fp100c, fp3000b. Ilford HP5, Delta 400, Delta 3200

And that’s that.